Crusty Homemade Bread
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Makes 1 small loaf
- 1 cup strong white bread flour
- half cup of mixed seed flour
- half cup of other flavoured flour
- quarter teaspoon of yeast
- quarter teaspoon of salt
- 1 cup cold water
- sesame seeds

- Combine all dry ingredients, except sesame seeds, in a bowl.
- Add the cup of cold water and mix until all flour is combined. Add extra water if needed.
- Cover dough overnight to rise. (If bread is needed for same day, use warm water, cover and leave for a few hours in a warm spot.)
- After bread has risen, sprinkle flour on a flat surface and knead bread briefly. Place dough back into bowl and cover for a few hours to prove again.
- When ready, preheat oven to gas mark 5/190ºc/ 375ºf.
- Brush a little water over top of dough, sprinkle with sesame seeds and put into oven for 15-20 minutes.
- Once bread is ready, it should be golden brown and crispy. Remove from oven and leave to sit for a few minutes.
- Enjoy either warm or cold. Bread will keep for a few days in a sealed container or plastic bag.
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